Her first book Jhansir Rani was about the rebellious deportment of Jhansi against British rule. She took jobs like that of a teacher, saleswoman and monkey exporter. However, she was found guilty of communist alliance and lost her job.

She married Bijan Bhattacharya in 1946 and got a job in postal department. Mahasweta was conscious of the socio-political turmoil when she graduated from Shantiniketan in the year 1946.Mahasweta got involved in student politics during the Bengal famine of 1943.

Her parents, Manish Ghatak and Dharitri Devi were established novelists and social advocates. The noted Bengali writer and activist, Mahasweta Devi was born in a culturally advanced family in 1926in Dhaka. The book is about biography of Mohattam Gandhi. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist, who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British Rule, and in turn inspire movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. The colonizers’ discourse is thus counteracted by the novelist’s comprehensive research and imaginative microhistories which expose the lies embedded in the macrohistory of the imperial project.Jim Corbett Amnibas by Mahasweta Devi is a popular Bengali Book which is written by Mahasweta Devi and another popular Biography Books of Mahasweta Devi. On the contrary, the same factory is described by Ghosh as a scene from Dante’s Inferno. The imperial sources depicted the factory as a clean and well lighted place, were efficiency was the governing principle. Vescovi reads some of these sources against the actual fictional rendition of the plight of opium workers in nineteenth-century Bihar. These range from official accounts and reports about an opium factory in Patna, to documents found in remote archives, such as the British Library, the Mauritius National Archives, Canton’s Library. Sea of Poppies (2008) is first and foremost a research novel, based upon historical documents of diverse origin and authority. Thorough research, comprehensiveness and precise imagination are the keywords of his poetical and political stance.

The first book of Ghosh’s projected trilogy about the Opium Wars-waged between the British crown and China to open the Chinese markets to western opium-provides Alessandro Vescovi with the material for assessing the writer’s poetics of historical novel writing.