
Harga saham adalah
Harga saham adalah

harga saham adalah

The more appropriate and quicker the information reflected by stock price delivered to investors, the more fficient the stock market. Their perception to the fiuingness of stock price.

harga saham adalah

In addition, I understand that eCo-Buss permits authors to use their papers in any way permitted by the applied Creative Commons license.One factor that supports investors' trust on capital market is patents or other rights to any process or procedure) must be retained by the author. I understand that, except for copyright, any other proprietary rights associated with the work (e.g. I also understand that eCo-Buss , as the copyright owner, has sole authority to license and permit reproduction of the article. I understand that this exclusive right will belong to eCo-Buss from the date the article is accepted for publication. This includes, but is not limited to, the right to publish, republish, downgrade, distribute, transmit, sell, or use the work and other related materials worldwide, in whole, or in part, in all languages, in electronic, printed, or any other form of media, now known or hereafter developed and reserves the right to permit or license a third party to do any of the above. I hereby assign and transfer to eCo-Buss all exclusive copyright ownership rights to the above work. Value adjusted R Square of 0,713 means that the stock price variable variation can be explained by the variable is 71,3% and 28,7% is explained by other variables not included in the research model This study were using purposive sampling method.The result of this study showed that ROE and ROA does not effect the Stock Price with a significance level of 0,610 where 0,610 > 0,05 and has t of t count 0,513 0,05 and has t of t count 0,603 2,013 positive direction and simultaneously the ROE, ROA and EPS together a significant effect on the stock price with a significant value of 0,000 2,807.

harga saham adalah

The population in this study were company’s industry subsector food and beverage. This study aims to determine the variable ROE, ROA and EPS of the company’s stock price that is listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) 2016-2020. Return On Assets, Return On Equity, Earning Per Share, Stock Price Abstract

harga saham adalah

Analisis Pengaruh Profitabilitas Dan Rasio Pasar Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

Harga saham adalah