"Type numbers" go by different names, depending on the manufacturer.Sometimes an entire type number is just one digit or letter, and sometimes type numbers are very long numbers or long combinations of letters and numbers. Type numbers can be very different from brand to brand.Finding type numbers for tools can be difficult because of the following reasons: Most manufacturers distinguish the different types of a tool model from one another by assigning type numbers to them in addition to the tool's model number. However, manufacturers often update the design or features of a tool model and create types of tools with the same model numbers. This is true for every brand, that they separate major designs by model number. For example, two different power sander designs from the same brand would be distinguished by having two different model numbers. Model and Type Numbers Model numbers distinguish between a manufacturer's tool models within a certain category (like drill/drivers or nailers). Explanations are listed below alphabetically by brand, but first, some additional information about model numbers and type numbers will be helpful. This article provides explanations and pictures for finding model numbers and type numbers for several tool and machine brands, making it easier to order the right part for the right tool. Some type numbers are especially difficult to find on the tool or machine. Each manufacturer uses a different model and type number system, and manufacturers often call type numbers by different names. Even when a model or type number is only different by one digit, the parts for that model or type may not be compatible with other models and types. When searching for a tool or machine part at, the product's model number and type number are always necessary to ensure an accurate part match.